Http Servlet Request Object Methods




String getAuthType( )                               

Returns authentication scheme

Cookie[ ] getCookies( )       

Returns an array of the cookies in thisrequest.

long getDateHeader(String field)

                        Returns the value of the date headerfield named field.

String getHeader(String field)        

                        Returns the value of the header fieldnamed field.

Enumeration getHeaderNames( )           

Returns an enumeration of the headernames.

int getIntHeader(String field)                  

Returns the int equivalent of the headerfield named field.

Object getAttribute(String attr)                

Returns the value of the attributenamed attr.

String getCharacterEncoding( )               

Returns the character encoding of the request.

int getContentLength( )                            

Returns the size of the request. Thevalue –1 is returned if the size is               unavailable.

String getContentType( )                       

Returns the type of the request. Anull value is returned if the typecannot be determined.

ServletInputStream getInputStream( )
throws IOException          

Returns a ServletInputStreamthat can be used to read binarydata        fromthe request. An  IllegalStateException is thrownif getReader( ) has already beeninvoked for this   request.

String getParameter(String pname)           

Returns the value of the parameter
named pname.

Enumeration getParameterNames( )          

Returns an enumeration of theparameter names for this request.

String[ ] getParameterValues(String name )  

Returns an array containing valuesassociated with the parameter                            
specified by name.

String getProtocol( )                                        

Returns a description of the protocol.

BufferedReader getReader( )
throws IOException                                      

Returns a buffered reader that can be used to read text from the request. An IllegalStateException is thrown if getInputStream( ) has already been invoked for this request.